Heyyyyy Beautiful People! I hope you all are doing FAB!! I want to start off my post by saying that we never know what someone is going through. Most times on the outside we wear the smile…the beautiful outfit….the glam with the perfect lippie and our hair is in place and on the inside….OMG, it’s the total opposite. We are praying for strength to get us through the day and we can’t wait to get back home or where ever our “safe spot” is and EXHALE!!!
Trust me and I’m totally preaching to myself! There have been times when I’m going through the “going thru” and I just can’t talk about it and for some reason, I think I’m the only one that’s going through something. Well, for those of us who feel this way, we aren’t! Like my post title says it all….”We All Have a Story to Tell”!
As soon as we think everything is fine, there something just around the corner that sometimes knocks the wind out of us…how do we handle these moments in our lives? We all deal with life situations differently and for me, I can’t make it through without the presence of God in my life…without God’s grace and mercies, I truly could not have made it through some of the “rough patches” and to be honest, I couldn’t make it through each day.
Fashion Details: Suit from Zara…..Shoes from Dillards (looks like it’s sold out online..sorry y’all)…..Cute Bag from Target….and thanks so much to Jermaine Dabney for the cool pics!
Yes, there are absolutely a purpose in the pain…we may not know the why as we are going through it, but at some point it is definitely revealed. Always be aware of how you treat others….you just never know how your words and actions will effect someone!
Please know that we all can rewrite our story….we can learn from what we’ve been through and grow stronger and make sure our story has a happy ending….don’t dwell in the past y’all….don’t let the past hold us hostage….God has so many wonderful blessings for us and know that he blesses us through our storms….hang in there and know that it will all work out for the good! I’m sending y’all so many hugs…have an AMAZING day and thank you soooo much for stopping by today. Love y’all!!