This post is sponsored by Hair Biology. All opinions shared are my own.
In a few months I’ll celebrating 62 years young and I’m so happy to share that I’m looking forward to it! That’s right, I look forward to it! I know for some of you this may be a surprise to hear, but I truly believe age is just a number and it’s all about how your attitude and how you celebrate the journey each year. As women, we need to celebrate ourselves. We have no problem celebrating others but when it comes to ourselves, we definitely need to get better at it. Well, I can honestly say, I reached that celebration stage a few years ago when I started my blog, Medley Style!
I started Medley Style a few years ago because I was at a point in my life where I needed to get my happy back! I loved fashion and I loved helping others and Medley Style was created. Being able to share my fashion style to let the 40+ years young women know that we matter, and we are definitely getting bolder….not older!
Hair Biology is a brand that celebrates women…. encourages and supports women! The brand is letting women know that it’s okay if you want to celebrate the grey or not, their hair products are perfect for whatever stage you’re at!
In the past, society and publications put so many negative labels on women getting older. Letting us know the things that we should and should not do….how we should and should not look…what we should and should not wear. Well, those days are gone! We are here to let the world know that we are beautiful, and we are Boss Ladies! I’m so happy to share that one of my favorite brands to work with is Hair Biology! Their tag line, “Bolder, Not Older” truly sums it up! Such a powerful statement.
Hair Biology products are wonderful and of course I have my favorites…the Argan Oil Taming Serum and the Multi-Tasking Hairspray! The full Hair Biology collection is sold online at and also in store - exclusively.
When I think of how far I’ve come with Medley Style, I can’t help but smile. I remember the day I push the launch button and wondering if anyone would actually read my blog and what would they think. I remember that first comment from a reader my age letting me know that I’m much needed to encourage her and other women to start a new thing in their life!
Ladies, I embrace all the “external signs” that come along with this journey and I encourage you to do the same.…they make us stronger! Stronger to start a new…whether it’s to start a business, write that book, go back to school, whatever that passion is and know that it’s never too late….the journey is filled with so many AMAZING possibilities and always remember the quote from Hair Biology…we are “Bolder, Not Older”!