It’s a new week Beautiful People and let’s start it off on a positive….as we always try to do! I’m really trying to get back into blogging on a regular…I want to be consistent y’all and I just have to be honest and let you know that “LIFE” just got in the way…as with all of us, life happens!!
Life will definitely throw us some curves…just when we think we have one thing figured out and solved and ready to celebrate, here comes one or two more realities that will just knock us back a step or two on the journey.
A couple of months ago I found myself in the ER! All of a sudden, I felt so weak and I mean weak….dizziness and all! After having all the tests performed…you know what I mean…they took my blood, ekg…etc….the doctor came in the room and let me know that EVERYTHING was normal….so, he proceeded to ask me…”what’s going on in your life….tell me about your life”! So, I proceeded to share how I work 2 jobs…missing meals….staying up until 1:00 in the morning…missing sleep….stressed on the job…stressed on what’s going on in the world…and simply life! He said, “Miss Medley, you are suffering from exhaustion and stress! It’s just that simple and you need to make some lifestyle changes”!
Y’all, as I was laying on the hospital bed, all I could think about was my mom saying to others that stress can kill you! I had totally been neglecting me y’all! Here I am preaching self care to others when I should have been taking my own advice. I also had to take a look in the mirror and say out loud, Okay Janie, although you may not look 61, you best remember that your body is 61 and I need to take better care of myself!
So, Beautiful People….I have made a few changes on my self care journey and here are a few of the main things that I need to stick to!
Exercise…y’all it’s truly needed….I started back walking and next is the weight training!
Eating properly and stop skipping meals!
Getting to bed at a decent hour…even if I’m not sleepy….just laying down so my body can rest.
Reading the word and praying more!
Knowing that it’s okay to say no and setting boundaries!
These are just a few things to get me on the right path! Gotta start somewhere y’all
Now for the fashion deets….first of all…don’t you just loooove this Ribbed Tunic and Pants from Chico’s and it’s on sale so click the link so you won’t miss out! I love the 70’s vibe and I styled it with the cutest scarf from Zara and my favorite white boots from Sylven New York… cute little handbag is from Target and the necklace from Dillard’s!
Thanks so much everyone for stopping by today….and remember to practice self care and love yourself….there’s only one you and me! Thanks so much to Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the pics…love you Ali!!!!