Beautiful People! I’ve been celebrating over here y’all….YASSSS, you read the post title correctly….I’m featured in Essence May/June issue….truly a blessing and such an honor to be included in the article, Best - Dressed Black Creatives on Instagram. When I think about the black women that I admire that have been featured in Essence and I’ve had the honor, now twice to be featured, it’s totally surreal and so humbling. Make certain you pick up an issue or two if you haven’t and I absolutely love the cover created by
Fashion Deets on what I’m wearing to the left….Plaid Knit Dress from Zara and the pink shoes are from Zara but I’ve had them for a couple of years and the white pants are a “shop my closet”! Shop your closets ladies…xoxo
You can read about my first time in Essence here!
Dreams do come true y’all….so never stop dreaming BIG and believing in yourself….you just don’t know all the wonderful things God has planned for you, so never give up…keep pushing and continue to dream BIG! Sending y’all lots of hugs and as always, thank you so much for stopping by….xoxo