Happy Monday Beautiful People…I hope you all had a wonderful weekend…I went to see The Photograph,….oh my goodness y’all, it was such great movie…such a beautiful love story…you’ll love it! Now, I want to switch gears and speak on the subject of “Forgiveness”….
I’ve actually written about this before…check out my first post here, but this is definitely a subject that I feel needs to be revisited….I wish this wasn’t the case, but unfortunately, offenses come on a daily basis…a daily basis y’all and it’s so easy to hold on to the hurt and the pain from the offender…but in order to move on and receive the blessings that God has in store for us, we have to forgive….the forgiveness is for YOU….not for the person(s) who caused the offense.
Forgiveness is the first step to the healing of your heart! I know it’s hard y’all…trust me, I’ve been there and at times if I’m being honest, I have to check myself…because yes, I forgave, but I’ll never forget! Yes, it’s hard forgiving someone who never apologizes or acknowledges what they did to you…knowing that the pain they caused you doesn’t even phase them…when someone can see you suffering and just completely ignore that what they did contributed to your suffering….now’s that a person with a hard heart and yes, we have to forgive them so we can move on.
Forgiveness is for our heart…in order for us to move forward, we have to “release” the person from what they did to us…bottom line…if someone used you and took your money, you can always work hard and make more money….but when it’s your time that was taken…listen to me y’all, there is no way someone can give you back the time you spent on the hurt from them….the sleepless nights, the hours spent crying, the days of depression, etc….but we have to forgive in order to heal our heart….yes, we won’t forget it and we will learn from it…but trust me y’all…we have to forgive…if for no other reason, if GOD can forgive us, then who are we not to forgive.
And finally, if you need to forgive yourself…please do so…stop beating yourself up for the mistakes that you’ve made…confess it, learn from it and move on…I hope this post will help you today if you’re struggling with forgiveness…it’s totally a hard thing to do but it can be done y’all…we don’t want our hearts to be harden…don’t block your blessings because of a harden heart….sending you all lots of hugs and positive vibes….have an AMAZING day y’all….xoxo
Fashion Deets……The Ultra Red Suit is from Banana Republic and the Pink Draped Top is from the Gabrielle Union collection from New York & Co. I’m wearing Flat Out Fabulous lipstick from MAC!
Thanks so much to H Marie Photography for capturing all the images and thanks to Nicole for all the glam….you can follow her here