Janie Medley2 Comments


Janie Medley2 Comments

Happy Monday Beautiful People! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend…I have been MIA on the blog…I’m so sorry y’all…it’s been a little busy since my BDay and I want to share some really great news with you…Friday I was featured on Virginia This Morning doing my first fashion segment…you can check it out here.

I was also featured as Virginian of the Week in the online publication, The Dogwood….you can check out the article here! So thankful for all these wonderful opportunities y’all….truly a blessing.


Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with life…as I’m sure we all do from time to time. Things can happen so suddenly….just out of no where….that unexpected phone call or text or email and it can just turn your life topsy-turvy. Well, what do we do when this happens. I guess it would depend on the circumstances….for me, I have learned to pray upon receiving the news and to ask for guidance…in the past, I have reacted in my feelings….I have learned that I have to “get out of my feelings”.


This is something that I have had to work on over the last couple of years…it’s something that I’m happy to say is key in my life and there are things that happen to me now that I don’t react to like I would have in the past…this is such a wonderful feeling….such a peaceful feeling. Don’t get me wrong y’all…there are times when I have to “check myself”….but let me tell you, GOD is sooooo good. Sometimes in prayer, all I say is simply THANK YOU! GOD has brought me so far on this journey y’all….and I have truly learned that it wasn’t about me all the time, it’s about me giving GOD all the glory and praise for getting me through and to be a testimony to help others along the way.


Whatever you maybe going through, please know that you aren’t alone and know that you are covered…trust and believe and pray and give it over to GOD but know that we still must do the work though….stay strong and don’t give up….know that this too shall pass….encourage yourself and we must encourage each other along the way. Surround yourself with positive people and think positive and speak positive….it’s so important to think and speak positive y’all!


Have an AMAZING day y’all and remember to always give thanks for all that we have…even when things may look bad…we must give thanks and not forget where GOD has brought us from….you got this y’all…know that you are a child of GOD’s and know that you have what it takes to get through…I’m sending you all lots of hugs and positive vibes….xoxoxo


Thanks so much to my girl Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the images and to my girl Erika of Erika Nixon for my glam in images 3-6 and to to Amber for the glam in images 1-2…make sure you follow her here! And in images 1-2, I’m wearing beautiful looks from Rhythm Wigs and I’m excited to offer you 10% off your order plus free delivery and all you need to do is enter the code MEDLEY10!