Transitioning Into a New Season

Happy Monday Beautiful People! First let me apologize for taking a missing last week..."life happened" and I didn't have a chance to blog and connect with you all...I hope you had a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for stopping by today...can you believe that Saturday 1st is Saturday. The Fall is just around the corner y'all and I'm so excited as I love the Fall season...not only is it a transitional time of the seasons, but it is also time for Fall clothes....the sweaters and light jackets...the corduroy pants and all the knits and beautiful animal prints....I'll be featuring Fall Looks soon...Ali and I have a shoot coming up soon and trust me, you are going to love what I have planned.
Inspiration: Transition and change can be a scary thing....but it is sometimes very necessary...sometimes we get so comfortable where we are and we find it to be a safe may feel like a safe place but deep down, it's not a happy's not where we should be...we know there is better for us but we are scared to do what is necessary to make the transition. Basically, we have outgrown where we are and it's time to make that's time to transition. During the transition we are going to want to give up but trust me y'all...keep pushing and hang in there....yes, there will be times when it's very uncomfortable but this is part of the process.
During the process of transition, there will be things that you just don't want to do any longer, there will be people that won't be able to take this transition with you and you will have to let them go out of your life, there will also be people that will be here to take this transitional walk with be open to meeting new people...I know this can be hard because we tend to close our heart to new people because of the past.....yes, transition can cause you relationships so get ready! When you are in transition, you are becoming someone new and are moving into your destiny...getting those creative juices going and becoming whole! During this time, stay in prayer and stay strong and stay focused.
What or Who helped you through your transitional process of becoming whole and discovering the new you....I would love to hear how you made it through or how you are making it through!
Images captured by my beautiful and talented friend Ali of Alisandra Photography and makeup by my beautiful friend and talented MUA Erika Nixon. Have a beautiful day y'all and remember to always celebrate your FABULOUSNESS!.....xoxoxo