This is 58 and FABULOUS!

Happy Monday Lovelies...this is my birthday week...Thursday is the BDay and I'll be 59 and Fab! So, today I want to share "This Is My Fab 58"
with you...I started Medley Style last Fall so I'm sharing a few of my favorite looks with you on this journey to Fab 59! (you may want to get a cup of coffee or tea...this is a long post today)
You know, at 58 I've never been married and I don't have any children. I believe that God will bless me with a great guy one this time in my life, he's getting me ready for him and him ready for me...I'm enjoying getting to know me again and taking sometime to do somethings that I needed to do for me...and no, I don't have any kids, but God has blessed me with so many wonderful young folks in my life and two very special little ones who are like my grand kids and they show me so much love so I haven't missed out y'all!
My hope is to always be authentic with you guys....I'm truly a work in progress...please don't ever let the pretty outfits in the pics ever make you think that I don't go through struggles and issues like everyone me, I do.....there are some days when I don't even want to get up and face the world but I mom used to say..."life goes on with or without you, so come on and join the rest of us"'s funny when you're younger and you hear all these sayings and you don't have a clue to their meaning but if you live long enough, you not only know what they mean, you're also saying them!
Some things I have learned the past year:
1. Nothing just happens....God has a plan for it all...some things we do bring on ourselves, but if God orchestrated it, believe me when I say, he has a plan for you and he's preparing you for greater.
2. Don't walk in your feelings!
3. Let go of bitterness...holding on to bitterness will only hurt yourself and you will block your blessings. Yes, getting over hurt ain't easy, but once you're done!
4. Do YOU....stay authentic and true to yourself.
5. Get out of your comfort zone...try new your life y'all!
I'm looking forward to 59 and Fab....I have a list of goals that I want/need/will accomplish...beginning with increasing my prayer life and reading the word...going back to church on a regular...I've been "bedside Baptist" for awhile and I need to change this...I love going to's just something so special about being in God's house and hearing the word from Rev! I also need to get this working out/gym thing going...I need to commit and just do it....stop procrastinating!
My hope for Medley Style is to be an inspiration to you all....we as women need to celebrate ourselves more...and yes, for the little successes as well...we need to love our bodies and the beautiful skin that we are in...there is something inside each one of us that is truly unique and special and that something is meant to be shared and to help someone along the make a positive difference in someone's life! My prayer is that somehow I can do this for those of you who stop by to visit each day. You inspire me to keep pushing and to keep dreaming because dreams really do come true! I never imagined when I started Medley Style, that not even a year later I would be featured in Essence magazine.....God had worked this out all AMAZING!
Thank you all so much for being on this journey with me. I have a lot of fun and fashionable features coming up for you...from makeup and hair, to home decor, health and well being and all things in between....have a wonderful day and I'm sending you all lots of positive vibes and hugs.....xoxoxo
I want to give a huge thank you to my beautiful and talented friends and they both are truly like sisters to me, Ali of Alisandra Photography and Erika of Erika Nixon Beauty Pro....and JD for taking care of the these three ladies....Ali captured all of the images featured today and Erika keeps me glammed...xoxo