Hi Lovelies….today I share my love for jewel tone colors….and I’m pairing two of my favorite colors. sapphire blue and yellow topaz! I think these two colors work so beautifully together…when I paired these colors together I immediately start smiling and seeing these colors on me instantly put me in a happy place…..colors can truly change your mood !
Jewel tone colors consist of emerald greens, burgundy, yellow topaz, magenta, ruby reds, hot pinks…these colors are so rich and vibrant and they give off a feel good energy….jewel tones are so fresh and so unexpected.…so, I paired my topaz yellow faux sued jacket from Zara (which I purchased last winter) with my sapphire sweater and pants from Banana Republic…also here…. and to make the outfit really pop and come together, I’m wearing my white booties from Macy’s! So, don’t be afraid to add color to your wardrobe…trust me, it will give your look a totally different vibe and energy!
Do you ever feel “stuck” on your journey…it’s like you truly don’t know what to do…the more that you think you’re doing the right thing, nothing seems to be happening to get you to the next level…you feel like giving up but you know you’ve come to far on the journey to give up…it’s almost like you’re waiting on a sign from God to let you know that you’re doing the right thing….well, don’t give up y’all…this is the time when we have to seriously dig deep and hold on…it’s part of the process….we start doubting ourselves, we feel alone, anxiety takes over…well, I want to let you know that God is here…now is the time for us to not to fear…we need to be still and be quiet and be watchful. Speak positive during these times…when we speak negative, it gives the enemy what he needs to use against us…you see, until we speak the negativity, the enemy doesn’t even know what we’re going through…remember when our moms would tell us, “if you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all”.
Don’t allow your fear to control you…I know this is easier said than done…I have a hard time with this myself on certain things…there are things that I want to do and I have a fear that I will fail on it so I won’t do it…with this way of thinking, I totally defeat my purpose…just being transparent and letting you know I have my issues and struggles and trying to get better each day….so, let’s all strive to speak life in our situations…to speak and live like it has already worked out for our good. I’m sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs…and thank you so much for stopping by today…I truly appreciate your kindness and support….xoxoxo
Thanks so much to my girl Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the fun and the pretty and to my girl Erika of Erika Nixon…for all the glam!